Endovenous Laser Treatment
Endovenous laser treatment, also known as EVLT, is a procedure that eliminates unsightly varicose veins with little discomfort or downtime afterward. The treatment uses a high intensity laser beam to target the veins, shrinking the vein wall and closing the vein shut so it eventually disappears from view completely. The procedure results in no visible scarring and most patients are back to their normal activities the very next day.
About Endovenous Laser Treatment/Endovenous Ablation
Endovenous laser treatment usually takes about 30 minutes to complete and is done right in Dr. Ebrahimi’s Encino office. The patient will typically receive a topical anesthetic and a pair of goggles to protect the eyes from the laser light. A very thin laser wire is inserted directly into the vein, where it heats the vein lining, causing it to collapse. This procedure is particularly effective for larger varicose vein and is an attractive option to the more invasive ligation and stripping for some patients. A consultation with Dr. Ebrahimi or one of his staff can let you know whether endovenous laser treatment is the best choice for your varicose veins.